A Better Place
To Work
Intergrid is an established 100% Black owned IT managed services provider with Engineers of over 10 years of experience in the ICT industry, offering comprehensive support, maintenance, hardware supply and IT solutions to small and medium-sized enterprises.
IT Service Provider you can trust
Intergrid is an established 100% Black owned IT managed services provider with Engineers of over 10 years experience in the ICT industry, offering comprehensive support, maintenance, hardware supply and IT solutions to small and medium sized enterprises.
Our Solutions
Hardware & Software
IT Security
Hardware & Software
- Desktop and Laptop
- Server
- Office Telephones SIP
- Printers and Consumables
- Storage
- Routers, Switches, Access Points and Racks
- Desktop Operating system
- Productivity Software
- Server Software
- Security Software
- Software design Wide Area Network
- Office Local Area Network
- Wi-Fi setup
- Installation and Maintenance
- Voice PABX and Video conferencing
- Internet links, FFTB and Microwave CCTV
- Point to Point Internet Link
IT Security
- End Point Security
- Virtual Private Network
- Firewall Solution